Friday, January 30, 2009

Won bin uppa

Won bin uppa leaving F.T Island
Actually, I'am not Won bin "die hard fans"
but sedey jugak lah kan
I hope after Won bin leave F.T Island
he will be more sucessful.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

SPM sacre me

Since school reopen
baru hari ni dapat blog
well ,u know
this year kan I SPM
so, like other people I also got new hope
new year new hope kan??
This year I nak study btol2
More sudy
Less playing
just 2 let u guyz and gurlz no, I would be on9 only on Friday n weekend..
so, kalau nak hantar ape2 messege hantarlah pada hari tersebut..
lol.. sorry I x dapat blog masa hari pertama skolah..
First day of school, I cam biasa "excited" terlebeyh
This year alhamdulilah I dapat tukar kelas.
I ddk kelas yg baik
I dapat kawan yang baik
n I dapat cikgu yg baik
I happy with my life, for now
About SPM
huh.. that word scare me
takut gler
I wonder how would SPM paper will look like??
senang ke susah..
I hope it is easy..
gosh.. gotta go right now.
so many things to do, so little time.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Esok skolah dah mula blk
cuti rasa gler kejap ahh
SPM dah dekat
Perasaan ku???
nervous kot..
This year have 2 study more
Stusy hard and smart ^^^
Less on9
Less watching tv
sy akan on9 masa cuti jeh
Tahun ni sy harap ape???
cam sume org, sy harap dapat berubah jd insan yg lebih baik
sy harap thn ni sy berjaya dlm sume benda yg sy wat
sy jgk nak jadikan thn 2009 thn yg plg bermakna^_^

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year

Goodbye 2008
Welcome 2009
Saehae bong mani ba deuseyo
Selamat Tahun Baru
Happy New Year
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