Dear no one
I'm so in love with my lock screen. It Alex and Sierra babe. How could anyone not love them.
Salam. Owh before I forget I would like to wish all the muslims Salam Ramadhan. Today is the six day of Ramadhan. It's been pretty much the same as every Ramadhan. I'm a busy women in the morning and I can be a pig at night. What mean by at night is " I can be a pig during buka puasa". I've been avoiding going to bazaar Ramadhan since the first day of Ramadhan. Ye lah takut datang nafsu buaya semua nak beli.
Other than my daily routine I like talk about some not so important things. I just heard the song Dear No One by Torri Kelly. I'm not really a fan of Torri Kelly before this. Semalam baru dengar dear no one and I'm like so in love with Torri Kelly. Like seriously the lyric is so beautiful. Bila dengar rasa nak jatuh cinta
" but sometime I just want somebody to hold.
Somebody to put me their jacket when it's cold.
Got that young love even when you're old.
Sometimes I just want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, stand close, be my man
I'll you till the end.
I'm no I'm lame. Orang dah lama dengar aku baru nak membebel pasal lagu tu.
That all for now. Salam Ramadhan everyone!
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