Hari ini
Skrg, ddk dkt rumah nenek
x tau nak wat pe??
on9 pakai laptop uncle..
on9 lama gler..
tgk video n movie
Ijat x sabar nk tgk Twilight
The stories look interesting
next year SPM
x mau form 5 ada
nak terus form 4 je..
blaja pun belum start lg..
x revise lg pelajaran form 4
I'am not in mood lor..
x puas lg enjoy
malam ni mummy and daddy pegi tgk konsert
konsert Katijah Ibrahim
best arrr.
sy x ikot.
x minat K.I
I wonder how would the concert will look like????
I never been to concert before
kesian kan??
I wish all the K and J artist will make concert together in the same day
kalau betul2 buat , I would be the first one to book the ticket
Before I end
Take a look at this picture
x tau nak wat pe??
on9 pakai laptop uncle..
on9 lama gler..
tgk video n movie
Ijat x sabar nk tgk Twilight
The stories look interesting
next year SPM
x mau form 5 ada
nak terus form 4 je..
blaja pun belum start lg..
x revise lg pelajaran form 4
I'am not in mood lor..
x puas lg enjoy
malam ni mummy and daddy pegi tgk konsert
konsert Katijah Ibrahim
best arrr.
sy x ikot.
x minat K.I
I wonder how would the concert will look like????
I never been to concert before
kesian kan??
I wish all the K and J artist will make concert together in the same day
kalau betul2 buat , I would be the first one to book the ticket
Before I end
Take a look at this picture

Credit- K-popped
Tekejut tgk pic ni
Top kissing Lee Hyori
I hope Top fans don't get angry
Both of them look cute being together
Tekejut tgk pic ni
Top kissing Lee Hyori
I hope Top fans don't get angry
Both of them look cute being together
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