F.T Island fans should buy that album n they should see the picture in the Photobook
Tgk gambar junghun and Jaejin
Junghun- Goergous and rambut Jaejin sgt comel..
Uhh, ok.. I should end my post now beacuse there's more thing 2 do (so many thing to do, so little time)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Yesterday go shopping with angah and abah only nak shopping kat mana lag.. OU lah I beli Necklace at Topshop (sale) and I beli kasut dkt Superheroes (purple!) Korang mesti tgk kasut tu.. cantik sgt mula2 2 just nak try bila dah try mmg muat and perfect and then abah said just buy I biasalah, mula2 buat2 malu asyik tanya: boleh ke beli ?? sampai 3 kali and then bila blk rmh my auntie ada.. (buka puasa dkt rumah I) I tunjuk lah kasut purple tu and dia kata: nak pakai kasut ni dengan baju raya ke?? Actually I mmg nak beli kasut raya but suasah nak cari size.. last2 x beli kasut raya tp beli kasut supermen I'am in love with supermen nanti nak beli t-shirt S plak semua t-shirt tu cantik gler
Conclusion nye, semalam abah bayar my rantai and kasut and buka puasa semalam alson sgt best.. thnx abah for paying the rantai and kasut , alson thnx 2 nenek, datuk ,my cuzie and all my auntie n uncle for coming to my house.. -Ijat-
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Picture of you
I dah lama dah beli cd Mirotic tu suke lagu Picture of You Tp baru skarang I tgk that video I tak tahu that video dah keluar I rasa I dah dua bln lebeyh tak check KJ news yelah.. asyik sibuk psl that Hollywood thinggy I 'am looking forward to buy Super Junior 3rd album and of couse Tohoshinki Secret Code album.. but no more money.. I spent too much to by other things. WTF..
Saturday, September 5, 2009
F.T Island mv part 1
Friday, September 4, 2009
Timeless mv
This is must watched video So sad.. It made me cry..
I'm Sharizad without the Dato. Apart from wanting to met with Harry Styles I also wish I own Januar Haikal 's living room. I'm am what I am. Not who you want me to be.
Pencinta musik dan puisi. Bukan pemuisi bukan jugak jurufoto. Hanya minat menulis dan mengambil gambar. Tidak pandai berkata- kata manis macam Nadhirah Brundage. Hanya pandai menjadi diri sendiri. Suka atau benci, terpulang.