C style
Dear blogger,
college life is about to start soon.
I should be ready by now. *mental & fizikal*
ok, people I have decide already.
Early Chillhood Education at Sri college. nge :)
I will stay at rumah nenek every week Monday to Wednesday.
Sebab my mum x blh ambik hari 2.
To start new life also. suasana baru 2. hehe
To be ownes I feel so exited now
macam baru nak masuk skolah pulak.
start study blk. huhu
blaja dkt College byk beza dgn blaja dkt skola,
yes, I know, taulah
I dah check dah the college life and stuff.
jadual kelas semua dah check.
dah ready kot. hehe
The best part in college is no more uniform. yeay.
blh pakai what I really want. yeah
but not sexy ok.
I check on Teen Vogue.
TV always give methe best fashion tips and style.
here are what I'am going to wear for college. Simple and stylish. x terlalu "sarat.
college life is about to start soon.
I should be ready by now. *mental & fizikal*
ok, people I have decide already.
Early Chillhood Education at Sri college. nge :)
I will stay at rumah nenek every week Monday to Wednesday.
Sebab my mum x blh ambik hari 2.
To start new life also. suasana baru 2. hehe
To be ownes I feel so exited now
macam baru nak masuk skolah pulak.
start study blk. huhu
blaja dkt College byk beza dgn blaja dkt skola,
yes, I know, taulah
I dah check dah the college life and stuff.
jadual kelas semua dah check.
dah ready kot. hehe
The best part in college is no more uniform. yeay.
blh pakai what I really want. yeah
but not sexy ok.
I check on Teen Vogue.
TV always give methe best fashion tips and style.
here are what I'am going to wear for college. Simple and stylish. x terlalu "sarat.

Aku taulah pg college untuk blaja but fashion is my life.
x kanlah nak pg college pakai baju kurung je. bosan kan?
should end now.. tv tyme.
x kanlah nak pg college pakai baju kurung je. bosan kan?
should end now.. tv tyme.
Orianti- according to you
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