
People, I ddk rmh nothing 2 do..
So today my mum ajak breakfast dkt Ikea and jln2 around there
After sarapan I thought nak beli baju dkt Mango.. yeah
my mum dah kasi green light and nak blanja x kan nak tolak kot..
and then ble walk around Ikano ternampak kedai nama Love it..
baju2 di situ sangat murah.. lbh murah drpd kedai yg selalu I beli..
waktu I tgk seluruh kedai terjumpalah 1 dress ni yg agak colourful,
ble pusing lg skali nmpk plak dress flower warna merah.
so pg FR try lah.. both of the dress look sexy and I x rasa selesa bila memakainya..
so I ask the pekerja 2 find dress yg lain yg agk suite dgn I..
Gadis 2 bg I 1 short dress bercorak bunga and berwarna pink.
That dress suite me and also cantik.
ending nye keluar dari kedai 2 dgn membeli dress berwarna pink + baju panjang berwarna purple (mak punye)
and then my mum kata dah beli that dress x pyhlah pg Mango.
I was lyke x pelah and thank you
So today my mum ajak breakfast dkt Ikea and jln2 around there
After sarapan I thought nak beli baju dkt Mango.. yeah
my mum dah kasi green light and nak blanja x kan nak tolak kot..
and then ble walk around Ikano ternampak kedai nama Love it..
baju2 di situ sangat murah.. lbh murah drpd kedai yg selalu I beli..
waktu I tgk seluruh kedai terjumpalah 1 dress ni yg agak colourful,
ble pusing lg skali nmpk plak dress flower warna merah.
so pg FR try lah.. both of the dress look sexy and I x rasa selesa bila memakainya..
so I ask the pekerja 2 find dress yg lain yg agk suite dgn I..
Gadis 2 bg I 1 short dress bercorak bunga and berwarna pink.
That dress suite me and also cantik.
ending nye keluar dari kedai 2 dgn membeli dress berwarna pink + baju panjang berwarna purple (mak punye)
and then my mum kata dah beli that dress x pyhlah pg Mango.
I was lyke x pelah and thank you
Happily Never After- Nicole Scherzinger
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