Love story
Ok, serius hell do anyone remember when is my last blog post?Saya pon tak ingat, apatah lagi awak. haha
I just remember my last post is on october. Tak de lah lama sangat tak blog kan.
Actually, seriusly no mood to blog today but when I suddenly bang into someones blog I get inspired to blog today. Apa mimpi ntah blog hari ni? selalu aku paling malas bab2 blog ni. aahh kan?
Ok let's officially start my blog post for today. officially lah sangat -_-. Just as same as always I use to blog about love, life and laugh. Today I will be blogging about love story. Bukan kisah cinta saya lah kau :p Some of this love story really make me gone crazyy and pretty addicted. As you people know I love watching love stories pada masa lapang. Owhh, I mean this love story usually inspired me to get in love. Bila tgk this story rasa macam nak cepat2 jatuh cinta. wahhh, i'am in love now. Nah, before I get too far in love let's just picture the love story list.

The Times Travele's Wife
Ohmygawshh. I been watching this movie about six time already. owhhh, still and forever will love this movie. Orang kata buku cerita ni lagi nice. Tak tau lah kan. Itu orang kata. Bila dengar reviews about that buku rasa macam nak baca pulak kan. Nak baca mmg lah nak tp masa je tak ada. I will get to the book soon. Ok, I truly love Rachel Mc Adam here. tak tipu -_-. She's look great and sweet here. Nahhh, in this movie Eric Bana look oldies lah. Maybe he is old. tak de masa nak tengok gambar orang tua2 ni. Lol pretty much, in this love movie both of them (Rachel & Eric) make a perfect combination. They both berjaya membawa watak romantic tu dengan sempurna. If I have time I will want to watch this movie again. till the 1000 time. wish me luck yae.

Dear John
My second love movie is Dear John. I been waiting to watch this movie since last year. Tapi sampai sekarang tak tengok2. First reason to watch this movie is because it's a love story adapted from Nicholas Sparks novel. I watching love story and forever will love it. Second is because of Amanda and Channing is in the movie. I love both of them. kalau dapat khawin dengan dua2 alahai bestnya hidup.

500 Days of Summer
Lol. I'am gettin crazy already. Bila tgk the movie picture pon dah geram sangat dah. Dah lama sangat nak tengok this movie. I been waiting to watch this movie for so long. Last month went I was viewing someone blog that person post about this movie. It make me scream my lungh out. Every time I look at Joseph Gordon Levitt corny face rasa macam nak jerit. ahaha. owhhh god Mr. Gordon is so freaking cute. Eh, I also love Zoey Deschanel here. awww, sape ckp dia tak cantik memang siot and nak kena. Hopefully I can watch Mr Gordon and Miss Zoey in my next semester break.

Ok peeps, last but not lease is The last Song. I already watch this movie 3 times. Although I watch it 3 times yet I still want to watch it again. Smack that! Liam Hemsworfth is absolutely gorgeous in this movie. He is just freaking romantic when it come to the scene where he try to comfort Ronnie. Oh god, I guess his shoulder must be so comfy. If only I could lend my head on his shoulder. ahhhh, that must be so much nice. okok, I will stop dreaming. Angan2 selalu tinggi menggunung tapi mimpi tak jugak jadi kenyataan. I am such a nerdy. In this movie Miley turn on pretty good lah. I am not Miley fans but yes, she look pretty cool here. Love it when she try to mix and match her tops and jeans together. Miley is my fashion icon. She look trendy everywhere.
ok, that all about my love story list. Sorry no Twilight Saga list here. I realize that my older post is mostly about twilight saga. Tak kan nak ulang cerita sama je. Nanti semua pon bosan pulak. Eh, lagi 1 Valentine's Day pon x ada dalam list. sorry again dear. Eventhought ada Taylor Lautner dalam 2 that movie is still not good enough 4 me.
Current addicted- Florance + The Machine
Cosmic Love, Kiss with a fist, you got the love