I'm terrified
Hello jelly. Haha. I don't have iphone. Instagram ada! Ni pon pakai ipod adik je. Untungla adik ada ipod. Haha. Mak, kakak nak iphone. Boleh tak? Kakak janji tak buat tak buat mak marah lagi. hahaha. Geli gila ayat. Sila gelak sekarang.

OMB! Look at this photo. This photo actually sacred me. Selena n Bieber with all those babies? This is more terrifying then a ghost story. Duhh, I just don't want to imagine this la. Kalau aku imagine kan, rasa macam imagine suami khawin satu lagi. oh, seram ni. haha.
Honestly, aku happy pasal Jelena ni. Aku tak benci Selena. Aku hanya tak boleh imagine situasi ni je. Kalau ada Belieber yang benci Selena tu, tak payah sibuk nak mengaku Belieber la. Baik korang pergi bunuh diri je lah #justsaying .
Yes, post hari ni memang sangat-sangat random. Gelak lah korang sepuas hati.
I must admit, you were not a part of my book. But If you open it up and take a look, you're the beginning end of every chapter.