January is .......
Assalamualaikum everyone. Well hello everyone. I'm blogging using my cousin iPad today. Yes, blogging using an iPad is hard. I'm trying to get use to it since I can't always sit in front of my Acer laptop.January 2013. 1. Working life's is okay. Honestly I think it is just ok because I think there's still so much for me to learn. I've been working for almost 3 week now. Whatever it is I will do my very best in everything. Honestly I don't quite like posting about my working life in my blog because I things it's too personal for to share. Ok fine I will share some of it here but please don't expect me too write every single thing about my working life. I'm afraid that I might say something that is too detail about someone and maybe I will judge or comment about someone without noticing it.
2. Studying life is tough. Honestly last week I was super stressed until I think of differing my degree. Luckily I'm sane enough to still think about my future. Yeah and guess what? This Saturday and Sunday will be my exam. Ok I'm stressing out again and that is one of the reason I blog. Yes I will blog everytime like it's my guilty pleasure. Haha. Highlights of January 2013 1. Working as a preschool teacher. 2. Currently pursuing degree In Early Years Studies at SRI college 3. Went to have great dinner 2 minggu berturut- turut. I hope today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today. Amin.