New Moon

Dah tgk New Moon
tgk pada 11122009
That movie really awesome
x dapat digambarkan dgn kata2..
Starting: Bella bangun tido and baca buku Romeo and Juliet
Ending nye: "tergantung"- Edaward kata "Will you marry me?"
huh.. wtv.. blablabla
In New Moon byk action but okla..
Jacob was like really stunnig but Edward will still be my first one :)
one more thing dlm New Moon Alice byk keluar and her acting was prety good.
Conclusion nye I had fun watching new moon and I can't wait for Eclipse
tgk pada 11122009
That movie really awesome
x dapat digambarkan dgn kata2..
Starting: Bella bangun tido and baca buku Romeo and Juliet
Ending nye: "tergantung"- Edaward kata "Will you marry me?"
huh.. wtv.. blablabla
In New Moon byk action but okla..
Jacob was like really stunnig but Edward will still be my first one :)
one more thing dlm New Moon Alice byk keluar and her acting was prety good.
Conclusion nye I had fun watching new moon and I can't wait for Eclipse
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