
Suju is in Malaysia right now.
I heard they stay at Grand millenium hotel.
I can't go to dear concert last night.
Can't afford to buy the ticket lor.
At home I keep on listening to Suju songs.
This few week semuanya pasal suju lah.
Listen to Suju songs, post blog about suju, tgk picture Donghae, pendek kata semua yg aku buat ada kaitan dgn suju
dah kata pon x pg but exited mengalahkan dpt pg.
Went they arrived in Malaysia byk cerita buruk dengar pasal diorang.
alah, what I care. some people says that suju x layan fans diorang dkt KLIA.
I believe in them. diarang x kan buat macam 2 dkt fans diorang.
I guest they were 2 tired. jln jauh kott dari Korea.
Last but not least, I love Super Junior forever *E.L.F* and I will suport them walau apa pun keadaanya. <333
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