Every week ddk rumah nenek. Ddk sampai hari Khamis.
Best kott. yeepp sana ada HBO and Channel E. rumah ku ada astro tp x ada channel 2.
Bila blk kolej selalu tgk Channel E. malas buat assigment lah. tgk tv je keje. huhu
Here is some show that I love to watch. haha
Best kott. yeepp sana ada HBO and Channel E. rumah ku ada astro tp x ada channel 2.
Bila blk kolej selalu tgk Channel E. malas buat assigment lah. tgk tv je keje. huhu
Here is some show that I love to watch. haha

Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane. Kimora Lee is a designer and supermodal. yeah. Cerita ni gler best kott. kalau x percaya pg tgk skarang. I love her daughter Ming Lee and Aoki Lee. diorang kiut. sangat kiut. I wish I am her daughter. yelah kecik2 lg dah walk in the runways with Kimora *nada cemburu*. dapat pakai baju designer pulak tu. makin jelous. haha. cerita ni best giler. haha. I just love Kimora Lee so much.

Saya pon suka tgk Keeping Up With Kardashian. This realiti show is about Kim Kardashian life. semua pasal dia. ada satu episode tu masa Kim post untuk Shape Magazine. OMG she sizlling hot. dah cukup pasal cerita 2. 1 more thing Can't you guyz beleive Kim and Justin Bieber is dating. What the hell is going on. tgk gambar dkt atas 2. ewww.. Kim is to old for Justin. Justin kata dia x kesah pon. dia kata x Kim is just 30 years old. x delah tua sgt. saya jelous sebenarnya. haha

Glee lah yg saya paling suka .I am a Gleek. sape ckp dia x suka cerita ni dia mmg Lame *buat gaya glee*. saya suka Will and Rachel. eh jap. Emma pon kiutt jgk kan. Merepek pulak aku ni. I love the music. best gler kot. kalau x caye pg tgk.
Ok. I know I should stop writing crap. ahaha. semoga kita berjumpa lagi ye.
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