No idea

Kepada pembaca setia blog yang bosan ini, gambar diatas ini sangatlah tiada kena- mengena dgn cerita hari ini. Tidak ada kena- mengena dengan hidup ataupun mati! That pretty hot women is Amanda Seyfried * I guess seyfried is the right spelling*. Eh, Seyfield or Seyried? Like the world care about that Amanda and Seywhatever. I ingat nak mulakan blog post dgn gambar Miranda Kerr. She's super hot and waitt, she's crazy! gosh, people look at her damn picture, mana ada yang sopan. awww please, you meant you want me to tayang her tubuh badan and show it to the whole world. Only lunatic plus insane people would dare to look at her picture. yeah, I pon termasuk lah dalam golongan lunatic tu sebab I tgk picture dia mcm alot. suddenly rasa regreted tgk pic dia *semua nampak weyh*. gosh, I should stop membebeling about that Kerr tingyy. patutnya cerita my dear life. andd tiba-tiba menyimpang jauh plak pasal that seyfried girl. ok, to make it short and simple my life for now is just super hell boring. Kolej life macam gler siot bosan. My college friend will totally agree with that. Kalau ada miss and mr yg dah baca blog supergirl I be ownes lagi sekali *kolejlifeboring kolejlifeboring*. Pengakuan jujur tu beb! nah, lg satu nak story dgn semua kan *bukan cerita gempak* tp cerita pasal "kestressan" yg melanda diriku. oh should I sebut that word again. B**i ********* and blablabla *bad word*. Stress pasal assigment lah apa lg? Dear assigment, I just hate you so freakin bad. Stay away from my life, pleaseeeeeeee! Kalaulah si assigment blh ckp it would be easier. hahaha dan no more doing assigment and I rules the world. Luckily, I finished one of my assigment already andd bebanan makin berkurang. ceh, bunyik stupid kan? I'am so freakin lazy to come to kolej tomorrow but must come. Or else my friend Kim will be doing the group work alone *nada kesian*. gosh, so little time, so many thing to do. so must end my post now. taulah semua pon dah bosan membaca blog supergirl. haha supergirl wannabe. see you dear fellow again. ntah bila tp kite tetap akan jumpa! toddles
With love,
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