Live While We're Young
Assalamualaikum everyone. Hello readers. Today going to be a very short post. I know that I use to say that everytime but usually it will never going to happens. Well today really going to be short post. It's hard to do do short post but I'll try to squeeze everything and make short and simple.Today is Sunday. I don't really like Sunday because at the end of the day I always started thinking about Monday. Monday has always been a horrible day for me. I hope tomorrow will be the Monday that I'm going to love most. This week has been great for me. SO FAR SO GOOD. Nothing terrible happens to me this week. Aha I know, I sounded like every week has been treating me bad right? Allhamdulillah everything is fine this week.
Yesterday I had to go college for IEALS tutorial. Sorry because I only not how to pronounce it so mind the wrong spelling. The tutorial started at 1.30 and finished at 5.30. Yes, I know it's too long right? This tutorial is actually to help all the students to prepare for the English exam. When I know it was English exam I was like "bloody hell, English exam?". Ok actually having and English exam are not too bad for me but I'm shocked when my leader said the exam won't be held in my college. It will be held in British Council. I thought It's going to fun because I will have the chances to meet many British guy. At the end of the day i realize I'm going there just to take and English exam. HAHA, I love anything British. Whatever happens later, let's just hope everything will be fine.
Ok, as I said earlier this going to be a short post. That all for today. I'm exited for tomorrow. Sorry I won't tell what's is going to happen tomorrow. I will tell everyone when it happens. I hope tomorrow will be like what I wanted it to be.
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