hari ini
Today I started my day with Mcd breakfast. Sausage mcmuffin and coffee.
thnx to Mak for buying it. so kenyang already. tommorrrow I want big breakfast pulak. can?
thnx to Mak for buying it. so kenyang already. tommorrrow I want big breakfast pulak. can?

After breakfast, buat kerja rumah sikit lah. sekejap je.
Now here I am. online and post blog. I got a lot of time to online.
yelah, home alone. ddk rumah seorang diri doing my own thing. well I like staying at home alone. nobody kacau me and tenang giler ddk sorang2. ahh, I should stop merepeking now.
Now here I am. online and post blog. I got a lot of time to online.
yelah, home alone. ddk rumah seorang diri doing my own thing. well I like staying at home alone. nobody kacau me and tenang giler ddk sorang2. ahh, I should stop merepeking now.

Online using my dad laptop (Acer) and The Last Song novel. baru mula baca and can't wait to finish reading it. I guess the ending is happy. yes people I don't really sad ending. but kalau asyik happy ending je bukanlah namanya kehidupan kan?

And did I tell you yesterday I watch Confessions Of A Shopaholic? Yey, now I'am here to tell you guyz this movie is really about me. I really love shopping just like Becky Blomwood. Saya sangat sukakan disigner handbags and shoes. tp x pernah ada pon. Just like Becky I love to spend my money to buy things. mostly beli benda yang x perlu. even kalau ada 10 ringgit pon I akan something to buy. bila blk rumah I fell really regret buying that thing. macam hari 2 I buy 3 t-shirt and habiskan all my money. blk dah beli I was like "ala, duit dah habis and nanti nak pergi berjaya mcm nak beli brg duit dah habis. how?" nasib baik aku x ada credit card. well, aku x pernah teringin pon nak credit card. menyusahkan hidup je. pengajaran cerita ni adalah jgn terlalu membazir and berbelanja hanya bila perlu. Ok blogger, I thing should end now. bye
I'am not your toy- La roux
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