In love with bdk ni.
bdk same age as my brother. 16
but he look mature. sgt matang
can't describe why I fall in love with him.
dia memang sgt HOT -_-
this month aku mcm setiap hari dgr lagu dia.
Last week I was listerning to his song non stop. and today I watch Never Let U go mv byk kali
Dunno why lah. crazy me. yes, I know.
Just don't get it went people say dia gay.
Even pompuan pon kata dia gay. apa yg membuat anda berkata dia gay?
people nowdays. mcm2 nak mengata org. urghh :(
he is not a gay dan rambut dia x mcm pompuan. that what my aunty say today "rambut dia teruklah, macam pompuan".
to me the real gay name Adam Lambert. Itu barulah gay.
*tetiba je Adam Lambert*
ok should stop about AL. should stop about "gay topic".
Sorry, today tercakap pasal gay pulak *tetiba jek*
Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber
Jaicko- Fast forward
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