Bieber concert.
Hello awesome bloggie. Hey hello awesome readers. Hey hello awesome Beliebers. Damn!! Too much hey and hello right? Eh, sorry. I been totally extra hyper since the month of January. I just can't help myself when it comes to Justin Bieber. Yeah, dream it, believe it, reach it. Justin Bieber is now in Singapore. I have been to Singapore for about 4 times. Singapore is such an amazing and awesome country.Nah, people look at this.

OMG!! Justin Bieber tweet about Singapore. See? Even Justin Bieber agree that Singapore is amazing country.
As I just mention, I'm really hyper since the month of January. I got Bieber Fever since 2008. There's no cure for Bieber Fever. Ok, hari ni dah hari Selasa. OH MY!! Justin Bieber Concert in Malaysia is on Thursday. Owh, I mean this coming Thurdasy. The very very very very very very good news is I'm going to his Concert. I bet all the Beliebers that didn't get to meet Justin Bieber will be jealous with me. Jangan la jealous ok. Kalau tak dapat pergi concert dekat Malaysia pergi lah book ticket pergi Jakarta. Haha. Justin Bieber Concert in Jakarta will be on the 24 April. kalau tak silap la. Ok, before you people start asking I'm gonna tell you something not quite awesome. I tak beli ticket VIP ok. I beli ticket 288 je ok. Seriusly a Belieber like me would like to seat in front of the stage and touch Bieber hand. siapa tak nak sentuh tangan Justin Bieber. Evenythough I don't get the VIP ticket it's ok as long as I got to go to his concert. Dapat pergi Concert Bieber pon dah teramat bersyukur!
Ok need to stop here. Need to go study for my final exam. Nanti next post I'll show you my Bieber ticket.
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