Hello gorgeous! . Awww, today so gonna be a short and quick post. Lazy nak tulis.Nak share my plan for this semester break. Sem break seminggu je tapi planning macam setahun.
Movie to watch
500 Days Of Summer- Star world (kena record ni!)
Remeber Me- Star world (Robert Pattinson!)
Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa - Astro First
Never Say Never 3d for the second time (great!)
Red Riding hood

I need this. Bila Malaysia nak bukak H&M?

Ni dalam mimpi bolehlah. Kena tunggu 2 thaun lagi kot.
Waffle with yogurt (Nak try!)
Waffle with durian (haha, gila kan?)
Chocolate Lava cake at San Francisco steakhouse
Caramel franpucinno at Starbucks
Nasi arab at Sabba
Very Berry ice cream at Baskin Robbbin
Okey, that all lah for today. kata pon short post. So many things to do, so little time.
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