Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shopping at The Curve

Semalam pegi rumah nenek (tdo sana)
mak n abah pegi Johor
Sy x nak ikot
Mlm semalam aun Jie bagi hadiah birthday
auntie bagi rantai, gelang, earing n T-shirt beli dkt Japan
thnx auntie..
Pagi ni cik Sha n pak Busu dtg rumah nenek
diorang pon bagi hadiah jgk
diorang bagi cd ayat-ayat cinta, I'am not Single n Jonas Brother
If both of u read my blog, I like 2 say thnx 4 da present
suke sgt hadiah 2
Ptg ni (pkl 4.00)
pegi shopping dkt The Curve
sebelum pegi shopping pegi mkn ptg dkt Winter Warmer
lps 2 adik2, uncle n sedara
pegi tgk wayang dkt ceneleisure
diorang tgk Bolt
sy pegi shopping dgn auntie je
What I buy at The Curve
5 pairs of earing= 10.00
3 T-shirt=58.80
1 pairs of shoes= 17.90
Shinee cd= 69.90
mlm plak pegi dinner dkt Muhibah
sy x selera mkn
perut sakit
blk 2 , penat gler
kaki sakit sebab jln lame sgt
Ok arr, dah penat
have 2 end now
wanna sleep now..

Monday, November 24, 2008


Birthday sy
Abah bagi cd Mirotic and blanje makan Sakae Sushi..
lps mkn terus gi rumah nenek..
nenek bagi duit
korang x pyh tau ahh brape ringgit
Smalam plak beli earing dkt Momoe
earing 2 bentuk mug
balik rumah bagi Mak tgk
muka mak mcm pelik
yelah, earing 2 1 hitam 1 puih
sy jelaskan lah pasal fashion
fashion ni mmg kadang2 pelik
lps 2 mak gelak je
harap sekarang mak dah paham..
Hari ni???
mcm biasa ahh.
on9, mkn, tido and study untk SPM
tahun 2009 dah x lama lg
ok ahh dah x de apa dah nak tulis
balh dulu

Friday, November 21, 2008


Mirotic DBSK 4th album dah jual
I want the cd for my birthday
I force my father to buy it 1 month before my birthday
can't wait for tomorrow

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hari ini

Skrg, ddk dkt rumah nenek
x tau nak wat pe??
on9 pakai laptop uncle..
on9 lama gler..
tgk video n movie
Ijat x sabar nk tgk Twilight
The stories look interesting
next year SPM
x mau form 5 ada
nak terus form 4 je..
blaja pun belum start lg..
x revise lg pelajaran form 4
I'am not in mood lor..
x puas lg enjoy
malam ni mummy and daddy pegi tgk konsert
konsert Katijah Ibrahim
best arrr.
sy x ikot.
x minat K.I
I wonder how would the concert will look like????
I never been to concert before
kesian kan??
I wish all the K and J artist will make concert together in the same day
kalau betul2 buat , I would be the first one to book the ticket
Before I end
Take a look at this picture

Credit- K-popped

Tekejut tgk pic ni
Top kissing Lee Hyori
I hope Top fans don't get angry
Both of them look cute being together

Monday, November 10, 2008

My today

Pagi hari ni apa jadi??
mcm biasa jew..
Makan, tgk tv n wat kerja rumah sket..
tp nk on9 x blh plak
sebab ineternet cam siot je..
x tau pe jadi ahh..
smalam pon x internet x blh connect..
Petang plak???
pkl 4 lbyh x tau nak wat pe..
pegi jogging jap dgn adik..
jogging sampai pkl 6.20..
blk tu terus on tv sebab tak tau apa lg nak wat..
tukar chnl 303, pastu ada Music Bank (my favorites tv show lah)
ada tjk F.T Island, Rain n Wonder girls..
F.T Island nyanyi lagu Heaven, tp camera asyik fokus dkt Hongki je..
Rain nyanyi lagu Rainisims n Love Story..
Serious ckp style rambut Rain time 2 brk n serabut..
Wonder Girls plak nyanyi lagu Nobody..
Lagu 2 cam ntah apa2 ntah..
x best langsung
tp Wonder Girls menang jgk..
2 jelah utk hari ni.
bye all..

Friday, November 7, 2008


Happy belated birthday T.O.P (4.Nov)
Sorry, late wish
Wish all the best in everything you do

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Final exam finish
Hari Selasa habis
Mcm2 arr buat lps 2..
First skali lps habis exam 2 baca novel "Princess Mia"
Best jgk arr..
And then balik tu terus tgk" Witch Star are You From"
mlm selasa tido pkl 11.10 lyn cite "WSAYF"
Hari ni pon same jgk arr... 4 jam layan cite 2
tp still ada 1 lg dvd x tgk
cite 2 best jgk arr..
Sabtu ni nak pegi shopping lg kot..
tp dah x tau pe dah nak beli..
semua duit dah guna utk beli mcm2.
Skarang dah tinggal sket dah
Next year spm.
byk lg perlu study.

ost wsayf
Suka lg ni.. sedap sgt
Miracle (which star are you from) - M To M
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