Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Oh My James F

Kali ni dia pulak. What is strong with me?
I mula kenal dia in Spiderman. Dia bawak watak Harry.
I <3>
and "oh si kacak ni". tetiba teringgat dia sekejap. *poyo jer*
I use to like him masa mula2 tgk spiderman. then lupa dia sekejap. ahh
semalam mula ingat dia balik. *suddenly teringatkan dia* pelikpelik
View my tumblr, Fb, and blog. semua ada pic dia. haha. even dalam my hp pon ada :)
tak tau lah minat dia sebab ikot orang ke atau mmg minat dia. sierusly dia memeng Hot. can't deny that.

Monday, April 26, 2010


I want one. Cantik kan?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The new one

People. sorry. Dah berapa hari tidak blog. I just created tumblr http://ijadsayang.tumblr.com/
Baru buat so a bit exited. still learning about using tumblr.Don't worry I will still blogging. Blog and tumblr ( I love both). follow me in tumblr if you whant. follow me only if you no me or have same interest with me. Have fun reading my blog and Smile :)

Friday, April 16, 2010


dear blogger, here I come again. blogging again. writing crap again *tetibe*. todays topic is "sayang & obsession" bunyik lame. Sharizad Kaus loser. ye, aku sangat loser. aku x sempurna. biasalah topicnya lain tp ceritanya lain. Let's just get t the topic.

Jun hun
Robert Pattinson
Taylor Lautner
Dong Hae
Chace Crowford
Paul Wesley
Kety Perry
Leighton Meester
Blake Liverly
Dakota Fanning
Miley cyrus
Liam Hemsworf
Awal ashari
Piolo pascual
Aaron aziz
Pen Bagley
Kamal Adli
Fahrin ahmad

Sorry, malas nak upload pic mereka. maybe will upload it next post. maaf kerana post hari ini terlalu colourful. *warna itu indah*

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


In love with bdk ni.
bdk same age as my brother. 16
but he look mature. sgt matang
can't describe why I fall in love with him.
dia memang sgt HOT -_-
this month aku mcm setiap hari dgr lagu dia.
Last week I was listerning to his song non stop. and today I watch Never Let U go mv byk kali
Dunno why lah. crazy me. yes, I know.
Just don't get it went people say dia gay.
Even pompuan pon kata dia gay. apa yg membuat anda berkata dia gay?
people nowdays. mcm2 nak mengata org. urghh :(
he is not a gay dan rambut dia x mcm pompuan. that what my aunty say today "rambut dia teruklah, macam pompuan".
to me the real gay name Adam Lambert. Itu barulah gay.
*tetiba je Adam Lambert*
ok should stop about AL. should stop about "gay topic".

Sorry, today tercakap pasal gay pulak *tetiba jek*

Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber
Jaicko- Fast forward

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Team Edward or Team Jacob
kedua-duanya lah. tamak betul :D
Robert or Taylor. of course lah Taylor.
Love Edward but hate Robert Pattinson.
padahal org yg sama je kan? eh, edward vampire robert manusia lain kan?
but that not what I mean. korang taulah kenapa.
weyh, I'am a biggest twilight fans.
I watch Twilight like 20 kali. wont bored ok.
Last saturday just by new moon vcd. eventhough dah tgk dkt cinema but mesti beli.
dah nama pon biggest fans.
I watch new moon 5 kali already. nak tgk lagi sampai bosan. nak buat rekod tgk movie 100 kali.haha
Just can wait 2 collect twilight saga merchendise.
akan terus mengumpul.
ok lah. toddles. kena stop skarang. 10. 30 asmaradana baby

Monday, April 12, 2010

C style

Dear blogger,
college life is about to start soon.
I should be ready by now. *mental & fizikal*
ok, people I have decide already.
Early Chillhood Education at Sri college. nge :)
I will stay at rumah nenek every week Monday to Wednesday.
Sebab my mum x blh ambik hari 2.
To start new life also. suasana baru 2. hehe
To be ownes I feel so exited now
macam baru nak masuk skolah pulak.
start study blk. huhu
blaja dkt College byk beza dgn blaja dkt skola,
yes, I know, taulah
I dah check dah the college life and stuff.
jadual kelas semua dah check.
dah ready kot. hehe
The best part in college is no more uniform. yeay.
blh pakai what I really want. yeah
but not sexy ok.
I check on Teen Vogue.
TV always give methe best fashion tips and style.

here are what I'am going to wear for college. Simple and stylish. x terlalu "sarat.

Aku taulah pg college untuk blaja but fashion is my life.
x kanlah nak pg college pakai baju kurung je. bosan kan?
should end now.. tv tyme.

Orianti- according to you

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hari ini

Today I started my day with Mcd breakfast. Sausage mcmuffin and coffee.
thnx to Mak for buying it. so kenyang already. tommorrrow I want big breakfast pulak. can?

After breakfast, buat kerja rumah sikit lah. sekejap je.
Now here I am. online and post blog. I got a lot of time to online.
yelah, home alone. ddk rumah seorang diri doing my own thing. well I like staying at home alone. nobody kacau me and tenang giler ddk sorang2. ahh, I should stop merepeking now.

Online using my dad laptop (Acer) and The Last Song novel. baru mula baca and can't wait to finish reading it. I guess the ending is happy. yes people I don't really sad ending. but kalau asyik happy ending je bukanlah namanya kehidupan kan?

And did I tell you yesterday I watch Confessions Of A Shopaholic? Yey, now I'am here to tell you guyz this movie is really about me. I really love shopping just like Becky Blomwood. Saya sangat sukakan disigner handbags and shoes. tp x pernah ada pon. Just like Becky I love to spend my money to buy things. mostly beli benda yang x perlu. even kalau ada 10 ringgit pon I akan something to buy. bila blk rumah I fell really regret buying that thing. macam hari 2 I buy 3 t-shirt and habiskan all my money. blk dah beli I was like "ala, duit dah habis and nanti nak pergi berjaya mcm nak beli brg duit dah habis. how?" nasib baik aku x ada credit card. well, aku x pernah teringin pon nak credit card. menyusahkan hidup je. pengajaran cerita ni adalah jgn terlalu membazir and berbelanja hanya bila perlu. Ok blogger, I thing should end now. bye

I'am not your toy- La roux

Monday, April 5, 2010


The Time Traveler's Wife
This movie was really good. serius baby. You now what, I tgk cerita tu dah 6 kali. gila kan? At first I x faham some of the storyline. I keep on asking about this and that. setelah kali kedua I dah faham dah, but I was like nak tgk lagi. nak tgk lg. when it comes to the romantic scene I was like OMG, so sweet. ntah berapa kali ntah repeat the same part sampai I dah hafal dah dialog nye. huhu.last 2 aku bertanya kepada dia ku sendiri "eh, dah berapa kali dah aku tgk cerita ni?" I will watch it again tonight. untill I memorize the whole movie dialog. macam lah boleh. haha
I bagi 4 stars. Eric Bana and Rachel McAdam act well. I'am proud of them. Fyi, I watch this movie not because of the hero. memanglah I selalu tgk movie pasal heronya but sumpah kali ni bukan sebab heronya. I never had a crush on Eric Bana. sape pernah had a crush on him? kalau ada yg pernah I shall call them "lame or lg bgs loser". ok ok, I should stop telling you people about Eric Bana. nanti takut tulis kelain pulak. hehe. conclusin nye cerita tersangatlah interesting dan it is must watch movie. tgk tau.
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